世界大型 物流服务接单中心FTE和服务绩效优化.FTE DRC implementation for one of top logistics service company. 世界TOP IT 服务呼叫中心 FTE和服务绩效优化FTE DRC implementation for top ITO service delivery centers in Asia. 大型艺术制造工厂最佳成本组合方案和一键出成本Best cost-mix solution implemented for one of biggest art production center. 销量第一的计算机服务器供应链实现VOA驱动的优化方案VOA driven-supply chain mechanism implemented for one of world top server suppliers. 北方某大型存储中心基于传感器的库存货位定位监管和实时释放方案Warehouse storage space real-time monitoring and releasing with usage of sensors. 某大型银行业务系统性能以及存储优化IT system performance and storage optimization for a large bank 某知名服装品牌在亚洲的中央仓库和分发中心方案Direct ordering and direct shipping solution implemented for one of top clothes brands in Asia. 给某大型航空公司提供分布式系统平台架构以及核心技术咨询Distributed system platform infrastructure and core technology consulting to a large airline company. 为一家大型互联网公司提供物联网平台构建以及整合方案IoT platform construction and integration solution for an Internet company. 中国最大的分布区块链式的k12教育云平台。Distributed and blockchain based architecture for K12 educational cloud platform.